
Thursday, August 20, 2020

How Profitable is Fish Farming Business in Nigeria?

There a lot of talk in the last few years about fish farming as a very lucrative business venture to start an run in Nigeria and a lot of business owners and investors have been contemplating whether to venture into it or not.

I have had the priviledge of researching this opportunity and have reached a conclusion about the business. It can be very lucrative and worth your while if the scale at which you operate it is the right one and the location is strategic. Anyone who ventures into fish farming but misses out on these will discover the hard way that it is no joke to start a delicate business like fish farming if you cannot operate profitably after committing millions of naira to a project that should have made you smile to the bank.

So while I will provide all the information about this opportunity (it is only available on request) I will do my best to explain what makes fish farming business in Nigeria profitable as briefly as possible. To answer this question I will be taking out time to answer some background questions leading to a conclusive answer for this post’s main question. Here is the list of background questions I will be taking on;

  •        What is fish farming business?
  •         What makes it a profitable business?
  •          What is the level of demand for fish in Nigeria?
  •          What are the challenges of Fish Farming in Nigeria?
  •          What is the level of Investment needed to operate profitably?
  •         Startup cost and payback period
  •          Who should invest in Fish Farming?

What is Fish Farming Business?

Fish farming is the rearing and production of different species and varieties of fish for human consumption. It often times involves use of artificial but sophisticated fish holding facilities such as ponds for rearing fish from different stages of their lifecycle until they are mature enough for sale to the market. The various varieties of fish that is reared include; catfish, tilapia, salmon and a few other varieties, although when most people talk about fish farming in Nigeria they typically refer to Catfish farming.

What is the level of demand for fish in Nigeria?

Fish is in very high demand in Nigeria. There is almost no part of Nigeria where people do not eat fish regularly as part of their diet. Although fish is more expensive than meat in terms of cost per kg and most Nigerians are price sensitive when it comes to food selection fish is eaten across the various social classes. At parties, child naming ceremonies, wedding receptions and even social hangouts people eat fish as part of stew (fish stew, fish pepper soup, barbecue) or any other light meal you can enjoy from time to time. We are talking about at least 3 million people who eat fish at least once a day in a country of over 200 million people. There is always a waiting market for fish in Nigeria. The demand for fish in Nigeria is so high that even though our local fishermen harvest millions of tons yearly, we imported 125 billion naira worth of fish in 2018 alone. That speaks volumes of the market in Nigeria.

What can make Fish Farming Profitable in Nigeria?

There are 8 success factors I know of that can make an investment into fish farming a profitable venture in Nigeria. I will only talk about 2 of them in this article and briefly talk about them. The first key factor is the strategic location of a fish farm. Being in a place that isn’t logistically impossible to serve your target market is prime importance. Location as a factor can also refer to prevailing climate and water source. Semi-arid and desert areas are not suitable for fish farming. The second factor is scale. You don’t want to operate a fish farming business at a scale that will not make you sustainable because the operating costs and risks involved in this business would require a reasonable scale to shield your business against occasional losses.

What are the challenges of Fish Farming in Nigeria?

The fish farming business is a very risky one to do. Thieves can easily raid a fish farm and harvest large number of them. Some vandals have been known to poison fish in their ponds. Sometimes the young fish just die mysteriously or get eaten up by bigger fish. The cost of fish feed is very high then add stiff competition and low profit margin, fish farming business is not for people with low patience and not willing to take big risks.

Start Up Cost and Payback Period for Fish Farming Business in Nigeria

If you want to run fish farming business profitably in Nigeria, do not expect that a little investment of less than 1 million will work for you. Reasonable amount of investment should start from 5 million and that is on small scale. Even at that your return on investment may not be very encouraging. If you are serious about running it profitably and can raise the required amount, you should be looking at 12 million naira and above. Breakdown of the return on investment, startup costs and payback details send me an email to:


Is fish farming business very profitable business to do in Nigeria? The answer is yes if you can operate it at a meaningful scale and manage it efficiently. There are risks involved in this business, manage those risks well and you should smile to the bank because there is an existing market and it keeps growing.

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Paul Onwueme is a professional Business Plan writer since February 2014, has achieved respectable results with his business plan writing service with several of his clients securing funding and leaving positive feedback about his writing service. You can connect with him via phone: 0803 206 4106 or email:

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